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Ladd, H.S., & Hoffmeister, J.E. (et al.), 1945.:
Geology of Lau, Fiji. [Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bull., 181.]
Honolulu, Hawaii.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Large 8vo, 25.5cm. Pp. vi,399, 24 photos of views etc. on 10 pls., numerous photos of fossils on 42 pls., 38 figs., tabs., refs., index. Orig. printed wrs. Small neat repair to ends of spine, little rubbing to covers, contents very good. - With Ladd's signed presentation inscription. The large paleontological section (pp. 272-384) consists of several chapters each written by specialists on the subject in question.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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TYNDALL, John (1820-1893).:
On the physical phenomena of glaciers. Part I. Observations on the Mer de Glace. // On the structure of glaciers; with observations upon white ice-streams, air-bubbles and dirt-bands, and remarks upon glacier theories.

EUR 75,00
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Korewjo, K.,:
Stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Namurian in the Polish Lowland.

EUR 16,00
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Shaler, N.S., 1889.:
The geology of the island of Mount Desert, Maine.

EUR 22,50
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Hambach, G., 1903.:
Revision of the Blastoidea, with a proposed new classification, and description of new species.

EUR 17,00
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EUR 50,00
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