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LARTET, Louis (1840-1899).:
Essai sur la géologie de la Palestine et des contrées avoisinantes telles que l'Egypte et l'Arabie. [Ann. Sci. Géol., 1 & 3(5).]
Paris: V. Masson, 1869-1872.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Tho parts in one volume, 8vo, 25.5cm. Pp. 1-329;1-98, 1 fold. chromolithogr. geol.map with 2 sections, several figs. of fossils on 4 lithogr. plates, 35 wood-engraved figs. in text. Paperbound, plain new interim wrappers, printed title label to spine, uncut, orig. printed front cover preserved. Very good. - The first part was published separately in 1869 as the author's doctoral dissertation and deals with geology only, the second part appearing here for the first time covers paleontology. Early survey of the geology of this area in the Near East. "Erst durch Louis Launay, den Begleiter des Herzogs von Luynes auf dessen Orientreise [...] wurden die geologischen Verhältnisse dieser Länder aufgeklärt" (Zittel, Gesch., p. 558.). Louis Lartet was the son of the famous French paleontologoist and prehistorian Edouard Lartet (1801-1871). Rare..

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Whitfield, R.P., 1892.:
Gastropoda and Cephalopoda of the Raritan Clays and Greensand Marls of New Jersey.

EUR 115,00
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Belloni, S., Martinis, B., & Orombelli, G., 1971.:
Karst of Italy. (Reprinted from: Karst. Important karst regions of the Northern Hemisphere. M. Herak and V.T. Stringfield (Editors). Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam.) [Pubbl. Ist. Geol. Paleont. Univ. Milano, N.S., 91.]

EUR 8,00
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Höhn-Ochsner, W., 1972.:
Zürcher Volksbotanik. Mundartliche Pflanzennnamen und botanisch volkskundliche Mitteilungen. [Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zürich, 117(1).]

EUR 16,00
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Medical Radioisotope Scanning. Proceedings of a Seminar jointly organized by The International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization, Vienna, 25-27 February, 1959.

EUR 35,00
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