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Laskarev, V.D., 1936.:
Sur les restes du Mastodon angustidens Cuv. trouvés en Yougoslavie. Résumé.
Glasn. (Bull.) Soc. Sci. Skopje, 5:

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 1-6, 18 photos on 4 pls., 3 photos in text, bibl. 4to. Orig. wrs. - Summary in French (with ilustrations) of the Serbian text of a larger work not present here.

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Buchanan, R., & Maples, ,C., 1989.:
Paleontological collecting in Kansas: a review of State regulations and recommandations for future action in Kansas. [Kansas Geol. Surv. Open File Rep., 89-5.]

EUR 10,00
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Bown, T.M., & Rose, K.D., 1987.:
Patterns of dental evolution in Early Eocene anaptomorphine primates (Omomyidae) from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming.

EUR 18,00
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Vishnevsky, S.A. (et al.), 1997.:
Impact diamonds: their features, origin and significance. / Impaktnye almazy. [Trudy Ob'esd. Inst. Geol. Geofiz. Min., 835.]

EUR 20,00
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Vaufrey, R., 1941.:
L'organisation des recherches et des études préhistoriques en France.

EUR 9,00
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