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Le Ribault, L., 1975.:
L'exoscopie. Méthode et applications. [Not. Mém. TOTAL, 12.]
Paris: Compagnie Française des Pétroles.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Folio, 31.5cm. Pp. 232, 456 large microphotos of mineral grains etc., 6 figs., bibl. Orig. stiff wrappers. Crease to one corner of front cover, very good otherwise.

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Bold, W.A. van den, 1966.:
Miocene and Pliocene Ostracoda from Northwestern Venezuela. [Verh. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wet., Afd. Nat., 1e R., 23(3).]

EUR 12,50
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Prestwich, J., 1889:
On the relation of the Westelton Beds, or Pebble Sands, to those of Norfolk, and on their extension inland; with some observations on the period of final elevation and denudation of the Weald and of the Thames Valley. Part I.

EUR 25,00
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LESAGE, Alain René (1668-1747).:
Historia de Gil Blas de Santillana. Traducida por el Padre Isla, corregida, rectificana y anotada.

EUR 60,00
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Regteren Altena, C.O. van, 1953.:
A revision of the genus Nyctalemon Dalman (Lepidoptera, Uraniidae) with notes on the biology, distribution, and evolution of the species. [Zool. Verh. Rijksmus. Nat. Hist. Leiden, 19.]

EUR 12,00
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