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LEGANY, Deszö.:
Ferenc Liszt and his country 1869-1873. // Ferenc Liszt and his country 1874-1886.
Vinkeveen: Franz Liszt Kring, 1997; Dudapest: Occidental Press, 1992.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

2 volumes, 8vo, 23.7cm. Vol. 1: pp. 325,[3], 32 photos on 16 plates, notes & refs., chronology, Budapest concert schedule, bibliogr., index; vol. 2: pp. 331, 24 photos on 16 plates, notes & refs., bibliogr., index. Hardbound, orig. printed cloth with pict. dust-jackets. Fine set, like new. - The first volume is a reprint of the original Budapest edition of 1983..

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Sahlberg, J.R., 1871.:
Öfversigt af Finlands och den Skandinaviska halföns Cicadariae. I.

EUR 25,00
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Lallemand, Ch., 1881.:
Les lignites dans le Nord de la Bohême. Extrait des Annales des Mines, livr. de Mai-Juin 1881.

EUR 75,00
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Aoki, N., 1963.:
Pliocene and Pleistocene foraminifera from along the Yoro River, Boso Peninsula. Vertical faunal change. // Ujié, H. Foraminifer from the Yûrakuchô Formation (Holocene), Tokyo City.

EUR 10,00
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LEMMEN, Hans.:

EUR 20,00
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