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Leviton, A.E., (et al., editors), 1982.:
Frontiers of geological exploration of Western North America. A Symposium [...] on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the United States Geological Survey.
San Francisco: AAAS, Pacific Division, 1982.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Large 8vo. Pp. 248, frontisp., several portraits and other photogr. illustr. and figs. in text, refs. Paperbound, orig. stiff wrappers. Fine, like new.

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Rexroad, C.B., 1957-1958.:
Conodonts from the Chester Series in the type area of Southwestern Illinois. // Conodonts from the Glen Dean Formation (Chester) of the Illinois Basin. [Rep. Invest. Illinois State Geol. Syurv., 199 & 209.]

EUR 13,00
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McFadzean, A., 1987.:
Wythburn Mine and the lead miners of Helvellyn.

EUR 12,50
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Belskaya, T.N., 1960.:
Pozdnedevonskoe more kuznetskoi kotloviny, istorya ego razvitiya, naselenie i osadki. [Trudy Paleont. Inst., 82.]

EUR 20,00
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Reuter, O.M., 1888.:
Revisio synonymica Heteropterorum palaeoarcticorum quae descripserunt auctores vetustiores (Linnaeus 1758 - Latreille 1806). I.-II.

EUR 150,00
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