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Lieburg, M.J. van, 1975.:
Het Sophia Kinderziekenhuis, 1863-1975.
Rotterdam: G.B. 't Hooft.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Oblong 4to, 21x26.5cm. Pp. 208, numerous photos and some facsimiles and figures throughout, bibl., index of personal names. Orig. simile cloth, front cover with mounted illustration and title lettering. Fine.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Etude biostratigraphique du Miocène marocain.

EUR 30,00
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Lanyon, W.E., 1988.:
A phylogeny of the thirty-two genera in the Elaenia assemblage of tyrant flycatchers. [Amer. Mus. Novit., 2914.]

EUR 9,00
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VRIES, Bert de, & GOUDSBLOEM, Johan (editors):
Mappae Mundi, Humans and their habitats in a long-term socio-ecological perspective. Myths, maps, and models.

EUR 59,00
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So macht man Dollars. Roman. 1.-35. Tausend. [Gesammelte Werke. XIII.]

EUR 25,00
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EUR 20,00
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