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LORTET, Louis Charles Emile (1836-1909) & GAILLARD, Claude (1861-1945).:
La faune momifiée de l'Egypte et recheches anthropologiques. Première, [2e, 3e, 4e & 5e] Série. Extrait des Archives du Musém d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon. .
Lyon: H. Georg, 1903-1909.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Folio, 36x27cm. Part 1: pp. [4],viii,205,[3,blank], several photos and 1 large drawing on 8 plates, 82 photos and drawings in text. Part II: pp. [2],xiv,130, 102 illustr. in text, 1 map. Part III: pp. [viii],1-104, 1 coloured plate, 9 heliogravure plates of human skulls, 67 illustr. in text. Part IV: pp. [ii],105-224, 1 coloured plate, 91 illustr. in text. Part V: pp. [ii],225-336, 65 illustr. Sewn, uncut, without covers, but sewing partly loose: will need rebinding. Few small neat repairs to blank margin, but no other defects. - Very rare complete set of this monumental and pioneer work on Egyptian archeozoology and paleoanthropology, a classic in the field.

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Quaritch. -:
A Catalogue of Geography, Voyages, Travels, Americana. Offered by Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, 1895.

EUR 45,00
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HARRISON, E.L., et al.:
Scottish Woollens.

EUR 35,00
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Martin, C., 1875.:
Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss fossiles Euganoiden [Pisces, Crossopt. Ganoid.]

EUR 15,00
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Hede, J.E., 1951.:
Boring through Middle Ordovician-Upper Cambrian strata in the Fågelsang District, Scania (Sweden). 1. Succession encountered in the boring. [Lunds Univ. Årsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 46(7).]

EUR 13,00
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EUR 650,00
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