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LOWE, Edward Joseph (1825-1900).:
A natural history of British grasses. [Second edition.]
London: Groombridge and Sons, 1865.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 25cm. Pp. vi,245, 74 wood-engraved plates printed in colour (incl. frontisp.), index. Orig. blind-stamped cloth, gilt lettering on backstrip. Fraying to ends of backstrip, short tear in upper end of front and rear hinge neatly mended, little faint foxing to a few pages, good otherwise. - Cf. Pritzel 5641, Freeman 2327. Plates by Alex Francis Lydon (1836-1917), printed in colour hyu Benjamin Fawcett (1808-1893), one of the finest of English woodblock printers of the nineteenth century. The first edition appeared in 1858, the work enjoyed some popularity and was reissued a number of times.

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Wesenberg-Lund, C., 1930.:
Contributions to the biology of the Rotifera. Part II. The periodicity and sexual periods. [Mém. Acad. Sci. Lett. Danemark, Sect. Sci., 2(1).]

EUR 30,00
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Verhoeff, K.W., 1941.:
Studien an äthiopischen Diplopoden.

EUR 10,00
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OUWEHAND, Willem Hendrik.:
The acrivity of IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies in immune-mediated destruction of red cells: clinical significance in rhesus haemolitic disease of the newborn.

EUR 22,50
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Goeppert, H.R., 18:
Zur Flora des Quadersandsteins in Schlesien. Als Nachtrag zu der früher erschienenen Abhandlung über denselben Gegenstand.

EUR 30,00
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