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LUGARO, Ernesto (1870-1940).:
An Emperor's Madness of National Aberration? Translated by W.N. Robinson, M.D.
London: George Routledge & Sons, 1916.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

12mo, 16.8cm. Pp. vi,135. Orig. cloth. Backstrip faded, good otherwise. - Examination of the teory that the origin of the Great War is to be traced back to the morbid psychology of the two emperors. The author, professor at Turin, was a noted psychiatrist who i.a. introduced the term "plasticity" in psychiatry.

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Douvillé, H., 1918 (1967).:
Le Barrémien supérieur de Brouzet. Troisième partie: les Rudistes. [Mém. Soc. Géol. France, Paléont., 52.]

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Instituto Provincial de Paleontologie. Boletin informativ. Ano 1 Num. 1; Ano 2 Num. 2-6; Ano 3 Num. 1-6; Ano 4 Num. 1.

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De Tropische Natuur. Orgaan van de Natuurhistorische Vereeniging in Indonesië. Jaargang 32-33.

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