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Lundqvist, J., 1971.:
The Interglacial deposit at the Leveänimi Mine, Svappavaara, Swedish Lapland.
[Sver. Geol. Unders., Ser. C, 658.] Stockholm.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. 163, 18 pls. of microphotos several figs., photos and diagrs. in text, append., refs. Wrs. - Main general text covers pp. 3-35, the remaining text consists of the appendices, includings chapters on insects (pp. 44-55, by C.H. Lindroth and G.R. Coope), remains of macroscopic flora (pp. 56-81, by H. Tralau), pollen analysis (pp. 82-103, by A.-M. Robertsson), and diatom floras (pp. 104-163, by U. Miller).

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Silvestre, S.C., 1958.:
Relazione preliminare sul rilevamento dei terreni eruttivi della zona Bronte-Adrano (Etna).

EUR 6,00
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Batchelder, C.F., 1951.:
A bibliography of the published writings of Charles Johnson Maynard (1845-1929).

EUR 7,50
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Scholtens, M., 1968.:
Antoine Menjot, Docteur en médecine, ami de Pascal, réformé au temps des persécutions. Etudes historiques et psychologiques.

EUR 15,00
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KNOOK, Dick.:
Het Methusalem-mysterie. Vergrijzing: zegen of bedreiging?

EUR 10,00
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