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Lyon, M.W., Jr., & Osgood, W.H., 1909.:
Catalogue of the type-specimens of mammals in the United States National Museum, including the Biological Survey Collection. [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 62.]
Washington 1909.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. x,325, index. Cloth. Very good.

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Papenfuss, G.F., 1968.:
A history, cataogue, and bibliography of the Red Sea benthic algae. [Bull. Sea Fish. Res. Stat., 50.]

EUR 17,00
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Toujours un peu l'ami de la femme. Liberalisme, socialisme en vrouwenemancipatie in België, 1830-1848.

EUR 16,00
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Williams, H.S., 1913.:
New species of Silurian fossils from the Edmunds and Pembroke Formations of Washingyon County, Maine.

EUR 8,00
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Breuil, H. (et al.), 1962.:
Les industries paléolithiques des plages quaternaires du Mino (La station de Carreço).

EUR 19,00
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