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MAILLART, Aimé (1817-1871):
Die Fischer von Catanian(Les pêcheurs de Catane). Lyrische Oper in drei Akten von E. Cormon und Michel Carré. Musik von Aimé Maillart.
Berlin & Posen: Ed. Bote & C. Beck [n.d., c. 1861].

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Folio, 33.5cm. Lithographed pictorial title and 174 pp. of copper-engraved musical scores with text. Old blind half cloth. Some faint local foxing, very good otherwise. - Undated, but according to the number 5498 of all plates it probably appeared in 1861. - Inscribed on verso of title: "Uitvoering te Kampen 20 en 21 April 1925 onder leiding van J.A. Walkate. Nella: Ida Deinum, Cecco: P. Cramer", and 2 picture postcards tipped-in. Loosely inserted are a large photograph mounted on thin cardboard showing the "tableau de la troupe" and also two text booklets in Dutch. Tipped-in as well are two newspaper clippings about the performances.

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Pax, F., & Wulfert, K., 1941.:
Die Rotatorien deutscher Schwefelquellen und Thermen.

EUR 15,00
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Hay, O.P., 1921.:
Descriptions of Pleistocene vertebrates found in the United States.

EUR 10,00
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DELANO-SMITH, Catherine & KAIN, Roger J.P.:
English maps: a history. [The British Library Studies in Map History. Volume II.]

EUR 20,00
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The Parliament of Catalonia. Photographs Francesc Catalá i Roca.

EUR 25,00
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EUR 90,00
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