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McLean, J.D., Jr., 1957.:
The Ostracodsof the Yorktown Formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia. (With notes on the collection made by Denise Mongin in the area.)
Bull. Amer. Paleont., 38 (167):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 53-103, many photos on 6 plates, 4 diagrs., refs. Orig. wrappers. - Upper Miocene.

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Agtsteribbe, E. (e.a.), 1950.:
Mosvondsten in Nederland. // Revisie van de in Nederland voorkomende soorten van het geslacht Campylopus Brid. // De mosflora van de Oostelijke Ardennen.

EUR 12,50
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[ Shakespeare ]:
William Shakerspeare, The First Folio, 1623, the Dr Williams's Library Copy. Lot 95 in the Sale of English Literature [...] London, Thursday 13 July 2006.

EUR 25,00
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Problems of rotary motion presented by the gyroscope, the precession of the equinoxes, and the pendulum. [Smithson. Contr. Knowl., 240.]

EUR 35,00
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SCHMIDT, Horst.:
Rashoenders. Nederlandse vertaling en bewerking: C. Aalbers. Eerste druk.

EUR 45,00
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