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McLOUGHLIN, S., DRINNAN, A.N., & Rozefelds, A.C., 1995.:
A Cenomanian flora from the Winton Formation, Eromanga Bsasin, Queensland, Australia.
Mem. Queensland Mus., 38(1):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 273-313, several photos and drawings in 26 figs., refs. Plain new wrappers.

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La muerte en el impreso mexicano / Images of death in Mexican prints. [Biblioteca de Ilustradores Mexicanas No. 10.]

EUR 90,00
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Monty, C.L.V., 1967.:
Pour une codification de la nomenclature stratigraphique belge.

EUR 6,00
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Lambert, J., & Jacquet, F., 1936.:
Les échinides fossiles du Sénégal.

EUR 8,00
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Cowper Reed, F.R., 1927.:
Palaeozoic and Mesozoic fossils from Yun-Nan. [Mem. Geol. Surv. India / Palaeontol. Indica, N.S., 10(1).]

EUR 120,00
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