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MEDLICOTT, Henry Benedict (1829-1905).:
On the geological structure and relations of the Southern portion of the Himalayan Range between the rivers Ganges and Ravee. [Mem. Geol. Surv. India, Vol. III, Art. IV.]
Calcutta: Government of India, 1865.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Small 4to. Pp. viii,1-206,[2],207-209, 3 tinted lithographed plates of landscape views, 1 large fold. lithogr. map coloure geologically by hand, 26 (mostly small sections) in text and on 1 plate. New boards, printed title label on backstrip. Waterstain to one plate, little browning on a few pages, good otherwise. - The author was Director of the Geological Survey of India until his retirement in 1887. He was one of the prominent pioneer students of the geology of the Indian subcontinent, and the first to investigate in Central and Southern India the huge complex of Permo-Triassic freshwater strata which he gave the name of 'Gondwana System'. The present publication includes an interesting appendix (pages 187-206, incl. 9 figures) entitled "On the theories of mountain formation". "Medlicott [...] pointed out that not only was the central chain of the Himalayas clearly older than the lateral Pliocene chains, since the materials of the central chains hand contributed to the rocks of the lateral chains, but the Himalayan river courses had also been defined previous to the uplift of the Pliocene chains, and had successfully continued to erode their valleys along the old lines while these chains were being slowly uplifted."(Zittel, Hist., p. 210.)

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Contribuiçao para a conhecimento dos Sciaenidae de Angola.

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Ein Percoidei-Fund mit "Weichteilerhaltung" aus dem Eozän von Eckfeld bei Manderscheid (SW Eifel), Bundesrepublik Deutschland). // Weitere Fischfunde aus dem Eozän von Manderscheid.

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