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Müller, G. (ed.), 1971.:
Sedimentology of parts of Central Europe. Guidebook to Excursions held during the VIII International Sedimentological Congress 1971 in Heidelberg, Germany.
Frankfurt a.M.: W. Kramer, 1971.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. 344, numerous photos, figs., maps, diagrs., and tabs. in text, refs. Orig. stiff wrappers. Cover a little marked, contents very good.

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Tucker-Rowland, H.I., 1938.:
The Atlantic and Gulf Coast Tertiary Pectinidae of the United States. Section III. Systematic descriptions. [Mém. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belg., Sér. II, 13.]

EUR 22,50
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Haller, A. von.:
Haller in Holland. Het dagboek van Albrecht von Haller van zijn verblijf in Holland (1725-1727). Ingeleid en geannoteerd door G.A. Lindeboom.

EUR 7,50
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Williams, H.S., & Breger, C.L., 1916.:
The fauna of the Chapman Sandstone of Maine, including descriptions of some related species from the Moose River Sandstone. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 89.]

EUR 30,00
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GRAINGER, Janette, ABRAMS, Ricki, & JACKSON, Bew.:
Living Guide to Amsterdam 1972-73.

EUR 15,00
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