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Murdoch, J.B. (editor), 1904.:
The geology and palaeontology of the Clyde drainage area.
Glasgow: Geological Society.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. xii,399-567, 2 figs., refs., index. Orig. printed boards. - "Being the geological portion of the Natural History Handbook issued for the Meeting of the British Association in Glasgow, September 1901; and re-issued for the Members of the Geological Society of Glasgow, with corrections and additions."

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MASSALONGO, Carlo Benigno (1852-1928).:
Epatiche rare e critiche delle provincie Veneto con alcune considerazioni sopra vari ari generi delle stesse.

EUR 35,00
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Landau, B., Marquet, R., & Grigis, M., 2004.:
The Early Pliocene Gastropoda (Mollusca) of Estepona, Southern Spain. Part 2: Orthogastropoda, Neotaeniglossa. [Palaeontos, 4.]

EUR 45,00
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Dieni, L., & Pro Decima, F., 1970.:
Documentazione paleontologica dell'età Oligocenica inferiore del volcanesimo Euganeo.

EUR 6,00
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Farlow, J.O. (editor), 1989.:
Paleobiology of the Dinosaurs. [Spec. Pap. Geol. Soc. Amer., 238.]

EUR 17,50
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