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MURRAY, Sir John (1841-1914) & PULLAR, Laurence.:
Bathymetrical survey of the Scottish fresh-water lochs. Report on the scienfic results. Volume I.
Edinburgh: Challenger Office, 1910.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 24cm. Pp. lviii,785, 2 fold. col. maps of Scotland (one geological, one geo-orographical), 15 pls. of photos and drawings, few figs. in text, bibl., index of genera and species, general index. Orig. brown half leather (pigskin), cloth covers, backstrip with raised bands, gilt lettering on backstrip and front cover. Very light foxing on fore-edge, fine otherwise. - First volume of the series of six, complete in itself. The other five volumes consist of maps and plans and numerical results of dredgings and soundings. The present volume is the most important one, it consists of 12 papers on several physical and biological aspects of the lakes (surface oscillations, temperatures, chemistry, botany, sediments, plankton, etc.) and some general limnological issues, and a very large bibliography of limnological literature of about 2,700 references covering pages 659 through 752. This volume is considered as a classic contribution to the study of limnology, a reprint edition appeared in 1977 (New York: Arno Press).

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Benton, M.J., 1991.:
The rise of the mammals.

EUR 23,00
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Quervain, M. de (editor), 1969.:
Schneekundliche Arbeiten der Internationalen Glaziologischen Grönlandexpedition (Nivologie). Mit Beitrñgen und unter Mitarbeit von F. Brandenberger, O. Reinwarth, A. Renaud, A. Roch, und R. Schneider. [Medd. om Grønland, 177(4).]

EUR 20,00
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Schafarzik, F., 1895.:
Die Pyroxen-Andesite des Cserhát. Eine petrographische und gelogische Studie. [Mitth. Jahrb. Ungar. Geol. Anst., 9(7).]

EUR 18,00
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Lohman, K.E., 1941.:
Geology and biology of North Atlantic deep-sea cores between Newfoundland and Ireland. Part 3. Diatomaceae. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 196-B.]

EUR 15,00
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