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NAIRN, Alan E.M., & STEHLI, Francis G. (editors):
The ocean basins and margins. Volume 3. The Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.
New York: Plenum Press, 1975.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Large 8vo, 25cm. Pp, xvi,706, numerous illus. (some fold.), refs. Orig. cloth in dust jacket. Fine.

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Disney, R.H.L., 1975.:
A key to the larvae, pupae, and adults of the British Dixidae (Diptera), the meniscus midges. [Sci. Publ. Freshw. Biol. Assoc., 31.]

EUR 9,00
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Stegmann, B., 1930.:
Die Vögel des dauro-mandschurischen Uebergangsgebietes. [I.]

EUR 10,00
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COHEN, H. Floris.:
How modern science came into the world. Four civilizations, one 17th-century breakthrough.

EUR 85,00
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Ward, L.F., 1899.:
The Cretaceous formations of the Black Hills as indicated by the fossil plants, With the collaboration of W.J. Jenny, Wm.M. Fontaine, and F.H. Knowlton.

EUR 75,00
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