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Nemejc, F., & Kvacek, Z., 1975.:
Senonian plant macrofossils from the region of Zliv and Hluboki (near Ceske Budejovice).

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Pp. 183, 24 plates of photos, 23 figs., bibliogr. Orig. wrappers. Very good.

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Mädler, K., 1971.:
Die Früchte und Samen aus der frühpleistozänen Braunkohle von Megapolis in Griechenland und ihre ökologische Bedeutung. [Beih. Geol. Jahrb., 110.]

EUR 10,00
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Danish thesis for the Doctorate 1927-1958. A bibliography edited by the University Library, Copenhagen. [Libr. Res. Mon., 6.]

EUR 28,00
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Binney, W.G., 1892.:
A fourth supplement to the fifth vcolume of The terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States and adjacent territories.

EUR 20,00
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Leloux, J., 2004.:
Notes on taxonomy and taphonomy of two Upper Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) scleractinian corals from Limburg, The Netherlands.

EUR 9,00
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