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OSWALD, Felix, 1914.:
The Miocene beds of the Victoria Nyanza and the geology of the country between the Lake and the Kishi Highlands.
Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 70(278):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 128-198, 5 photogr. plates of scenery, several figs. of vertebrate fossils on 4 plates, 2 fold. maps, 3 figs., refs. Extract in journal issue wrappers, uncut. Very good. - "With an appendix on the vertebrate remains, by C.V. ANDREWS; and an appendix on the non-marine Mollusca, by R.B. NEWTON."

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DRAGESCO, Bernard.:
English ceramics in French archives. The writings of Jean Hellot, the adventures of Jacques Louis Brolliet and the identification of the 'Girl-in-a-Swing' factory.

EUR 15,00
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A. De Zeeuwse tijdschriften van 1850 tot 1960. Door Roland de Gryse. / B. Zeeuwse Volksalmanak 1836-1847. Door Guido Baelde. [Nederlandse Volkskundige Bibliografie. Registers op Tijdschriften, Reekswerken en Gelegenheidsuitgaven. Deel XIII.]

EUR 23,00
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Larson, N.A., et al., 1997.:
Ammonites and the other cephalopopds of the Pierre Seaway. An identification guide.

EUR 17,00
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[ Neuchãtel ]:
Carte du Canton de Neuchâtel, échelle 1:100 000. Adoptée par le Département de l'Instruction publique Neuchâtal.

EUR 10,00
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