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Oudemans, C.A.J.A., 1919-1924.:
Enumeratio systematica fungorum, in omnium herbarum Europaearum organis diversis hucusque observatorum mentione facta fontium, litteratorum diagnoses figurasque proferentium [...].
The Hague: M. Nijhoff.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Large 8vo. Total of clxxxxii,5841 pp. Five thick volumes, orig. cloth with gilt lettering. Very goopd set. - Still useful handbook indexing the hosts of all European parasitic fungi. The last volume (998 pages) is an exhaustive index of all species and synonyms occurring in the main work.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Wilson, V., et al., 1934.:
A synopsis of the Jurassic rocks of Yorkshire. With a report of the Summer Field Meeting to North-East Yorkshire, August 9th to 20th, 1934.

EUR 10,00
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Borisyak, A., 1945.:
On the Equidae from the Middle Eocene of Northern Caucasus. [Trudy Paleont. Inst., 13(1).]

EUR 15,00
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Zittel, K.A. von, 1878.:
Zur Stammes-Geschichte der Spongien.

EUR 30,00
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Strusz, D.L., 1966.:
Spongophyllidae from the Devonian Garra Formation, New South Wales.

EUR 12,00
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EUR 225,00
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