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Packard, A.S., Jr., 1883.:
A monograph of the Phyllopod Crustacea of North America. With remarks on the order Phyllocarida.
Washington: Government Printing Office, 1883.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 22.7cm. Pp. [iv],295-592, numerous figs. on 39 tinted lithographed plates, 73 wood-engraved figs. in text, 1 fold. "Zoo-geographical Map of North America", copy ot title page of journal volume in front. New boards, printed title label to backstrip. Very good. - Extracted from the 12th Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories Wyoming and Idaho. - Very scarce. One of the author's best works in marine invertebrate zoology (Dict. Scient. Biogr., vol. 10, p. 273).

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Fries, Robert E., 1905.:
Zur Kenntnis der alpinen Flora im nördlichen Argentinien. [N. Acta Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsal., Ser. IV, 1(1)>]

EUR 75,00
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Pozzi, A., 1966.:
Geonemia e catalogo ragionato degli anfibi e rettili della Jugoslavia.

EUR 9,00
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DUROCHER, [Joseph Marie Elizabeth] (1817-1860).:
Essai pour servir à la classification du terrain de transition des Pyrénées, et observations divers sur cette chaîne de montagnes.

EUR 45,00
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Fortey, R.A., & Owens, R.M., 1987.:
The Arenig Series in South Wales. (The Arenig Series in South Wales: Stratigraphy and palaeontontology. Part I.)

EUR 30,00
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