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An adventure on the Old Silk Road. From Venice to the Yellow Sea.
London: Century Hutchinson Ltd., 1989.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 2.3cm. Pp. viii,200, 22 colour photos on 8 plates, 2 maps in text, end-paper maps, gloss., bibl., index. Orig. boards in pictorial laminated dust-jacket. Fine, like new. - First edition, inscribed by author on title-page: "Best wishes, John Pilkington"".

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Mauser, A.M.:
The greening of business. Environmental management and performance evaluation: an empirical study in the Dutch daity industry.

EUR 30,00
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Havlicek, V., 1977.:
Brachiopods of the order Orthida in Czechoslovakia. [Rozpr. Ustr. Ust. Geol., 44.]

EUR 35,00
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Bruant, Aristide.:
L'Argot au XXe Siècle. Dictionnaire Français-Argot. Deuxième édition augementée d'un Supplément.

EUR 95,00
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Pilleri, G. & Gihr, M., 1975.:
Contribution to the knowledge of the Cetaceans of Southwest and Monsoon Asia (Persian Gulf, Indus Delta, Malabar, Andaman Sea and Gulf of Siam).

EUR 19,00
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