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Pilleri, G., 1985.:
The Miocene Cetacea of the Belluno Sandstone (Eastern Southern Alps). [Mem. Sci. Geol., 36.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Folio, 32cm. Pp. 250, many photos and drawings on 81 plates, 44 figures, 90 tables., refs. Paperbound, orig. printed stiff wrappers. Fine new copy. - Comprehensive and well produced monograph on the rich Burdigalian (Lower Miocene) cetacean fauna of Belluno which consists of 16 species of Odontocetes belonging to 9 genera, 7 families and 3 superfamilies. - We hold a limited number of new copies of this fine book, forming the end of the publisher's stock..

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BARTOCCINI, Renato, & DE AGOSTINI, Alfredo.:
Antiquarium e Collezione dei Vasi Castellani. [Museo di Villa Giulia, 1.]

EUR 20,00
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Reichenau, W. von, 1915.:
Beiträge zur nähern Kenntnis fossiler Pferde aus deutschem Pleistozän, besonders über die Entwicklung und die Abkaustadien des Gebisses vom Hochterrassenpferd (Equus mosbachensis v.R.). [Abh. Hess. Geol. Landesanst., 7(1).]

EUR 30,00
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Fedorowski, J., 2004.:
Considerations on most Rugosa and the Dividocorallia from de Groot's (1963) collection.

EUR 30,00
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Hinte, J.E. van, (editor) 1966.:
Proceedings of the Second West African Micropaleontological Colloquium, Ibadan, June 18th - July 1st, 1965.

EUR 50,00
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EUR 50,00
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