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Pilleri, G., 1988-1989.:
Contributions to the paleontology of some Tethyan Ceteacea and Sirenia (Mammalia). [I] & II.
Ostermundigen (Berne) [published by the author].

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Large 8vo, 25.5cm. Vol. 1: pp. 116, many photos on 36 pls., figs., refs.; vol. 2: pp. 123, 1 col. pl., many photos on 23 pls., several photos and figs. in text, refs. Orig. stiff wrs. Fine. - Contents of vol. I:. Eoplatanista taurinensis, a new platanistid (Cetacea) from the Miocene of Piedmont. / Prae- and Post-Messinian Cetacea in the Mediterranean Tethys and the Messinian "Salinity Crisis". / Record of Eurhinodelphis (Cetacea: Rhabdosteidae) from the Miocene of Catalonia, Spain. / The Pliocene Sirenia of the Po Basin. / Mandibular pathology in a fossil Sireneid (Metaxytherium sp.) from Catalonia, Spain. / A skull of Metaxytherium serresii (Mammalia: Sirenia) from the Lower Pliocene of Montpellier. - Contents of vol. II: An Archaeocete vertebra from the Upper Eocene of Taradell, Catalonia, Spain. / Miocene cetacean remains from Mediterranean Spain. / Additional observations on the Lower Serravallian marine mammal fauna of Visiano and the Stirone River (Northern Apennines) (with F. Cigala Fulgosi). / First Archaeoceti record from the Eocene of Italy (Varano, Northern Apennines) (with F. Cigala Fulgosi). / Endocranial cast of Texatytherium (Mammalia: Sirenia) from the Miocene of Cerro Gordo, Almeria, Spain. / Bemerkungen zur Arbeit "Christian de Muizon: Le polyphylétisme des Acrodelphidae, odontocètes longirostres du Miocène européen". - Edition of only 600 copies. We hold the remaining publisher's (limited) stock. - The volumes are available separately also.

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[ Moneo ]:
El Croquis. 98. Rafael Moneo 1995-2000.

EUR 50,00
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Christensen, O.B., & Kilenyi, T.I., 1970.:
Ostracod biostratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian in Northern and Western Europe. [Dankarks Geol. Unders., Ser. II, 1970.

EUR 10,00
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Geyssant, J.R., 1979.:
Evolution, systématique et dimorphisme d'un nouveau genre d'ammonite: Beaticoceras (Ammonitina, Simoceratinae) dans le Tithonique supérieur des Cordillères Betiques (Espagne).

EUR 22,50
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Archief van het Gasthuis en de Armenzorg te Sittard, 1321-1803 (1827).

EUR 15,00
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