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PILLERI, Giorgio (editor).:
Investigations on beavers.. Volumes I - VII (all published).
Berne: Brain Anatomy Institute, 1983-1988.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

7 volumes, large 8vo. 25.3x17.5cm. 7 volumes,). Volume I (1983) 113 pp.; voI II (1984): 151;81 pp.; vol. III (1984): viii,224 pp.; voll IV (1985): 172 pp.; vol. V (1986): 160 pp.; vol. VI (1988): 196 pp; vol. VII 1988) 142 pp. Paperbound (sewn), pictorial stiff wrappers. Fine new copies.- Comprehensive and well illustrated series on the anatomy, zoology, phylogeny, behaviour, ethology, habitats, population dynamics, etc. of the members of the genus Castor. It includes facsimile editions of some rare and important early studies, such as Johannes Biurberg's "Castor breviter delineatus" (1687) in volume II, J. Franco's "Castorologica explicans (1685)" in volume III, Christoph Gottwaldt's "Bemerkungen über den Biber" (1782), and a paper by E. Caprotti on the beaver in oriental culture, referring to several early (renaissance) papers, with facsimile illustrations. Volumes VI-VII form the exhaustive beaver bibliography by K.-A. Nitsche listing 3150 references arranged by author, with useful indices to co-authors, taxonomical names, geographical names, and keywords. - We hold the publisher's remaining stock of a few complete series only. - Heavy set, additional postage will be asked for.

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GRAPPE, Georges.:
Le Musée Rodin. [Collection Musées et Monuments.]

EUR 40,00
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WEINHOLD, Ulrike.:
Een soort menselijke zonnewet. Vertaling Elly Schippers.

EUR 15,00
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RAUWS, Joh. (and others).:
The Netherlands Indies.

EUR 15,00
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Faber, D.J. (editor).:
Proceedings of the 1981 Workshop om Care and Maintenace of Natural History Collections. [Syllogeus, 44.]

EUR 17,50
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EUR 125,00
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