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POSEPNY, Frantisek.:
The genesis of ore-deposits. [Printed in:] Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Vol. XXIII.
New York: Published by the Institute, 1894.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 22.7cm. Pp. 197-369, 100 figs., footnote refs. Half morocco, backstrip with raised bands and gilt lettering. - English translation of one of the main works of Posepny, the German original appeared in the same year in " Berg- und Hüttenmännisches Jahrbuch". - Dict. Scient. Biogr. XI, p. 103.

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Spamer, E.E., Daeschler, E., & Vostreys-Shapiro, L.G., 1995.:
A study of fossil vertebrate types in The Academy of Natural Scienes of Philadelphia. Taxonomic, systematic, and historic perspectives.

EUR 35,00
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RAVEN, Theodoor.:
Etude géologique de la région de Morez-Les Rousses (dép. Jura).

EUR 20,00
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Franzen, J.L., editor, 1997.:
Die Säugetiere aus dem Turolium von Dorn-Dürkheim 1 (Rheinhessen, Deutschland.) Teil 1: Carnivora, Proboscidea (Tetralophodontidae), Perissodactyla (Rhinocerotidae, Equidae), Artiodactyla (Suidae).

EUR 44,00
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McCain, J.C., 1968.:
The Caprellidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of the Western North Atlantic. [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 278.]

EUR 15,00
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