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Prestwich, J., 1874.:
On the geological conditions affecting the construction of a tunnel between England and France. With an abstract of the discussions upon the paper. Edited by James Forrest.
London: William Clowes and Sons.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 21cm. Pp. 64, 1 fold. map, 7 detailed sections on 1 fold. pl., 3 figs. in text. Modern plain wrs. Tiny unobtrusive staple holes in inner blank margin, very good otherwise. - "Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol. XXXVII. Session 1873-1874." - Rare early paper by a prominent English geologist investigating the geological conditions for a Channel Tunnel.

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Rzehak, A., 1922.:
Das mährische Tertiär.

EUR 7,00
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Rawson, P.F., 1975.:
Lower Cretaceous ammonites from North-East England: the Hauterivian heteromorph Aegocrioceras.

EUR 11,00
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Hartman, O., 1959-1965.:
Catalogue of the Polychaetous Annelids of the World. [AND:] Supplement 1960-1965 and Index. [AND:] Literature of the Polychaetous Annelids. [Allan Hancock Found. Publ., Occas. Pap., 23.]

EUR 120,00
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Hennig, A., 1910.:
Guide pour le terrain crétacé de la Suède.

EUR 13,00
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