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Renz, O., 1982.:
The Cretaceous ammonites of Venezuela.
Basel: Birkhäuser, 1982.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Folio, 31 cm. Pp. 132, many large photos on 40 plates, 91 illus. in text, bibl., index. Hardbound, laminated pictorial boards. Fine new copy. - An important monograph on the regional and stratigraphic distribution of the ammonite assemblages of the epicontinental Cretaceous basin North of the Guyana Shield. The ammonite fauna, of Aptian to Conacian age, is described and illustrated in detail, comprising 28 families with 83 genera; 13 of the species described are new. A major contribution to the clarification of the relationships of Cretaceous ammonite assemblages on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

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Muir-Wood, H.M., 1962.:
On the miorphology and classification of the brachiopod Chonetoidea.

EUR 35,00
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Zittel, K.A. von, 1918.:
Grundzüge der Paläontologie (Paläozoologie). Neubearbeitet von F. Broili und M. Schlosser. II. Abteilung: Vertebrata. Dritte vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage.

EUR 60,00
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Young, J., 1874.:
New Carboniferous Polyzoa.

EUR 7,00
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Hulbert, R.C., Jr., & Macfadden, B.J., 1991.:
Morphological transformation and cladegenesis at the base of the adaptive radiatiation of Miocene hypsodont horses. [Amer. Mus. Novit., 3000.]

EUR 10,00
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