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Rexroad, C.B., 1957-1958.:
Conodonts from the Chester Series in the type area of Southwestern Illinois. // Conodonts from the Glen Dean Formation (Chester) of the Illinois Basin. [Rep. Invest. Illinois State Geol. Syurv., 199 & 209.]
Urbana, Ill.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Pp. 43; pp. 27; with many microphotos on 2 + 4 pls., several figs. and tabs, in 35 illus. in text, refs. Two papers, orig. wrs. - Mississippian (Lower Carboniferous).

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Casolari, C., & Casolari Moreno, R., 1980.:
Collezione imenotterologica di Massimiliano Spinola. [Cat. Mus. Reg. Sci. Nat. Torino, 1.]

EUR 18,00
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Fischer, C.E.C., 1921.:
A survey of the flora of the Anaimalai Hills in the Coimbatore DFistrict, Madras Presidency. [Rec. Bot. Surv. India, 9(1).]

EUR 40,00
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Zimmer, C., 1998.:
Aan de waterkant. Macro-evolutie en de transformatie van levensvormen. Met illustraties van Carl Buell. Vertaald door Bart Voorzanger.

EUR 15,00
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TYNDALL, John (1820-1893).:
On the physical phenomena of glaciers. Part I. Observations on the Mer de Glace. // On the structure of glaciers; with observations upon white ice-streams, air-bubbles and dirt-bands, and remarks upon glacier theories.

EUR 75,00
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