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REYER, Eduard (1849-1914).:
Die Euganeen. Bau und Geschichte eines Vulcanes.
Wien: Alfred Hölder, 1877.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 23.3cm. Pp. vi,95, 16 figs. in text, 1 large fold. coloured map in pocket, refs. Modern boards lined with green vergé paper, printed title label on backstrip. Very good. - Scarce and classc monograph in the history of petrology and volcanology based on a local study. In his work on the Euganean Hills (near Padova, NE Italy) Reyer had come to the conclusion that the earth's magma was heterogenous in composition and had a schlieren structure. He agreed with the idea that there are two dominant magmas, acid and basic, but he was reluctant to explain rocks as the product of a mixing of these two magmas [...]. Reyer very strongly emphasized the importance of volatiles in magmas and their influence in generating liquid magmas. The actual genesis of magmas was connected by him with the tectonic dislocations of the earth's crust, producing local relief of pressure which in its turn produced a liquefaction of solid but potentially liquid paterial [...]. (Loewinson-Lessing, A historical survey of petrology, p. 64.)

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Oude Emmer, verhoor mijn gebed. 150 poëziebesprekingen: 500 haiku's, tanka's en dichtregels.

EUR 15,00
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LANG, Karl, 1931.:
Faunistisch-ökologische Untersuchungen in einigen seichten oligotrophen bzw. dystrophen Seen Südschwedens. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Profundalfauna.

EUR 18,00
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DONATI, Giovan Battista (1826-1873).:
Intorno alle strie degli spettri stellari. // Intorno alle osservazioni fatte a Torreblanca in Spagna dell'eclisse totale di sole del 188 Luglio 1860.

EUR 200,00
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Khan, E., 1970.:
Biostratigraphy and palaeontology of a Sangamon deposit at Fort Qu'Appelle, Sakatchewan.

EUR 13,00
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EUR 125,00
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