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Reyment, R.A., & Bränström, B., 1962.:
Certain aspects of the physiology of Cypridopsis (Ostracoda, Crustacea)..
Stockholm Contr. Geol., 9(1):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 207-242, 16 diagrs., tabs., refs. Plain new wrappers.

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Vogt, J.H.L., 1926.:
Magmas and igneous ore deposits.

EUR 15,00
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Andel, T. van, & Postma, H., 1954.:
Recent sediments of the Gulf of Paria. (Reports of the Orinoco Shelf Expedition., I.) [Verh. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wet., Afd. Natuurk., 1e R., 20(5).]

EUR 25,00
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Flower, R.H., 1968.:
Botryceras, a remarkable nautilid from the Second Value of New Mexico. / An endoceratoid from the Mohawkian of Alaska. / A Chazyan cephalopod fauna from Alaska.

EUR 9,00
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JOHNSTONE, Kenneth I.:
Micromanipulation of bacteria. The cultivation of single bacteria and their spores by the agar gel dissection techniques.

EUR 18,00
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