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Roehler, H.W., Hanley, J.H., & Honey, J.G., 1988.:
Geology and paleoecology of the Cottonwood Creek Delta in the Eocene Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation and a mammalian fauna from the Eocene Cathedral Bluffs Tongue of the Wasatch Formation, Southeast Washakie Basin, Wyoming.
[U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 1669.] Washington.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to. Pp. [64], 29 photos, maps and figs., 2 pls. of photos of mammal molars, 2 fold. pls. of sections in pocket, refs. Orig. wrs.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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INGEGNERI, Vittorio, & AMANTE, Leonardo.:
Cocolessi e Pissegoni. Gust e desgusto in dialeto veneto rimà.

EUR 25,00
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SERGI, Sergio.:
Gli omidini fossili di forme estinite e attuali. (Estratto dal Vol, I dell'opera Le razze e i popoli della terra di Renatp Biassuti.)

EUR 9,00
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Romer, A.S., & Byrne, F., 1931.:
The pes of Diadectes: notes on the primitive tetrapod limb.

EUR 10,00
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Constantijn Huygens' Oogentroost. Een interpretatieve studie.

EUR 10,00
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