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Ruedemann, R., 1925.:
The Utica and Lorraine Formations of New York. Part I. Stratigraphy.
[New York State Mus. Bull., 258.] Albany, N.Y.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Pp. 175, 5 photogr. pls., 2 fold. maps, 10 figs., bibl. Orig. stiff wrs. Little waterstaining on front cover and margin of first few pages, good otherwise. - Stratigraphy and faunas, Upper Ordovician.

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Nowland, G.S., & Barnes, C.R., 1981.:
Late Ordovician conodonts from the Vauréal Formation, Anticosti Island, Quebec. [And:] McCracken, A.D., & Barnes, C.R., 1981. Conodont biostratigraphy and paleoeocology of the Ellis Bay Formation, Anticosti Island [...]. [Geol. Surv. Can. Bull.,3.]

EUR 23,00
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Marcou, J., 1888.:
Palaeontologic and stratigraphic "principles" of the adversaries of the "Taconic".

EUR 9,00
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Harvey-Gibson, R.J., 1913.:
Observations on the morphology and anatomy of the genus Mystropetalon Harv.

EUR 10,00
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Tsujii, T., 1960.:
Studies on the mechanism of shell- and pearl-formation in mollusca.

EUR 15,00
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