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RUGE, Sophus.:
The development of the cartography of America up to the year 1750.
Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst., 1894:

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 281-296, 29 plates (= maps), xerox copy of title-page journal volume in front. Plain new wrappers.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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ROVIGO, Flora.:
Walter Pancheri. Nuove forme d'identità / Neue Identitätsformen. Introduzione Maurizio Vanni / Einleitung von Maurizio Vanni.

EUR 30,00
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De wonderbaarlijke avonturen van Bartje Kokliko. Eerste deel.

EUR 15,00
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SCHOTT, Charles A.:
Tables, distribution, and variations of the atmospheric temperture in the United States, ,and some adjacent parts of America. Collected [...] and discussed under the direction of Joseph Henry, Secretary. [Smithson. Contr. Knowl., 277.]

EUR 75,00
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Bryant, H.C., 1914.:
A survey of the breedings grounds of ducks in California in 1914.

EUR 5,00
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