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RUTTEN, Hendrikus Stephanus.:
Asymptotic approximation in the three-dimensional theory of thin and thick elastic shells.
's-Hertogenbosch: Nederlandse Boekdruk Industrie, 1971.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 23.8cm. Pp. xviii,425, few figs., bibliogr. Hardbound, orig. gilt-lettered cloth. Very good. - Doctioral thesis, Technische Hogeschool Delft. - Subtitle: "The practical classificationn of shell problems. Shells of homogenous, isotropic materials. Systematic systems of linear equations and conditions."

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Het menselijk oog in transparante illustraties. Illustraties van Gladys McHugh. Historische appendix Stephen L. Polyak. Vertaling J.E. Winkelman.

EUR 20,00
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Fischer, P., 1868.:
Recherches sur les éponges perforantes fossiles.

EUR 30,00
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[ PIETRANGELI, Carlo, et al. ]:
Palazzo Braschi. Storia e illustrazioni. Estratto da "Capitolium" - Rivista di Roma.

EUR 15,00
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Farrell, Ch.E., 1956.:
Chiggers of the genus Euschöngastia (Acarina: Trombiculidae) in North America.

EUR 17,50
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