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Saiff, E.I., 1974.:
The middle ear of the skull of birds. The Procellariiformes.
Zool. Jour. Linn. Soc. London, 54:

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 213-240, 2 photogr. plates, 2 figs., refs. Extract, plain new wrappers.

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Cavé, A.J., 1968.:
The breeding of the Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus L., in the reclaimed area Oostelijk Flevoland.

EUR 8,00
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Ketner, P., 1072.:
Primary production of salt-marsh communities on the island of Terschelling in the Netherlands. [Verhand. Rijksinst. Natuurbeh., 5.]

EUR 20,00
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LAMBERT, Miss [Francis].:
The hand-book of needlework, a complete guide to every kind of decorative needlework [...]. Second edition, revised, with considerable additions.

EUR 60,00
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Hobbs, Wm.:
The Earth generated and anatomized. An early eightheenth century theory of the Earth. Edited with an introduction by Roy Porter.

EUR 15,00
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