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Salisbury, R.D., & Atwood, W.W., 1908.:
The interpretation of topographic maps. [Prof. Pap. U.S. Geol. Surv., 60.]
Washington: Government Printing Office, 1908.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 28.5cm. Pp. 84, numerous coloured maps and black & white photos of views on 170 plates (some folding), 34 figs. in text, refs., geogr. index. Hardbound, half morocco, gilt title lettering to backstrip. Very good. - Scarce original printing. Heavy book weighing nearly 3 KG, additional postage will be necessary.

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LIEBURG, M.J. van.:
Jelle Banga (1786-1877). Notulist van de 19de eeuwse genees- en verloskunde in de provincie Friesland.

EUR 10,00
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Wanner, C., 1940.:
Neue permische Lamellibranchiaten von Timor. Reprinted from: Geological Expedition to the Lesser Sunda Islands under leadership of H.A. Brouwer, Vol. II.

EUR 5,00
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[ Semois ] Carte de la Semois d'Arlon à Monthermé. Echelle du 1/80.000. Tirage en 8 couleurs.

EUR 20,00
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Lund, S.:
The marine algae of Denmark. Contributions to their natural history. Vol. II. Phaeophycae. IV: Sphacelariaceae, Cutleriaceae, and Dictyotaceae. [K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Biol. Skrift., 6(2).]

EUR 14,00
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