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Sayles, R.W., 1931.:
Bermuda during the Ice Age. [Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., Vol. 66 Nr. 11.]
Boston, Mass., ,1931.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 23.5cm. Pp. [ii],381-467,[26], 1 large fold. map of "fossil soil localities" in pocket, 21 photos of outcrops etc. on 11 plates, 2 plates of fossil molluscs, 18 figs., bibliogr., notes & refs. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. Spine neatly mended, fine otherwise. - Inscribed "CCrossland from the author 17/8/32 Ghadaqa Red Sea".

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Mayor, A.G., 1924.:
Structure and ecology of Samoan reefs.

EUR 15,00
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La bonne route. [Ma jolie bibliothèque.]

EUR 40,00
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A selected and annotated bibliography on the sociology of Eskimo education. [Occas. Pap. Boreal lInst., 2.]

EUR 15,00
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ZELDIN, Theodore.:
Een intieme geschiedenis van de mensheid. Vertaald door Monique Bannink.

EUR 15,00
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