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Shattuck, G.B., 1893.:
The Mollusca of the Buda Limestone [Lower Cretaceous]. With an appendix on the corals of the Buda Limestone by Th.W. Vaughan. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 59.]
Washington 1903.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. 92, 26 plates, 1 map. New plain wrappers.

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Berry, Ch.T., 1939.:
Some fossil Amphineura from the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North America.

EUR 5,00
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Wright, C.W., & Kennedy, W.J., 1981.:
The Ammonoidea of the Plenus Marks and the Middle Chalk. [Mon. Palaeontogr. Soc. No. 560.]

EUR 30,00
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Bogsch, L., 1936.:
Tortonische Fauna von Nógrádszakál. Anhang: Tortonische Foraminiferen von Nógrádszakál. [Mitt. Jahrb. Ungar. Geol. Anst., 31(1).]

EUR 20,00
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Higley, R., 1918.:
Morphology and of some Turbellaria from the Mississippi basin.

EUR 14,00
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