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Onder de rook van Utrecht. Twee eeuwen tabakspijpenmakerij in Lauwerecht (1699-1800). [Stichtse Historische Reeks, 14.]
[Zutphen:] De Walburg Pres / Stichtse Historische Reeks, 1988.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 23.3cm. 175 blz., 44 foto's, 318 teken., plattegr. .op schutbl., bibliogr., persoonsnamenreg. Geb., orig. linnen in geïllustr. stofomslag. In nieuwstaat. [GK]

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New, T.R., 1985.:
A revision of the Australian Myrmelodontidae (Insecta: Neuroptera. I. Introduction, Myrmelontini, Protoplectini. / II. Dendroleontini.. / III. Distoleontini and Acanthaclisinae. [Austral. Jour. Zool., Suppl. Ser., 104, 105, 106.]

EUR 75,00
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Willemsen, F., 1968.:
Revision of the genera Stenocatantops and Xenocatantops (Orthoptera, Acriidae, Catantopinae). [Monogr. Nederl. Ent. Ver., 4.]

EUR 15,00
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Kennedy, D.J., 1980.:
A restudy of conodonts described by Branson & Mehl, 1933, from the Jefferson City Formation, Lower Ordovician, Missouri.

EUR 8,00
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MacNeil, F.S., 1938.:
Species and genera of Tertiary Noetinae [Moll.]. [U.. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 189-A.]

EUR 10,00
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