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Solle, G., 1937.:
Geologie der mittleren Olkenbacher Mulde. [Abh. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges., 436.]
Frankfurt a.M.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 30cm. Pp. 72, 12 photos of outcrops etc. on 2 pls., 1 fold. map, 1 fold. tab., 4 figs., bibl. Orig. wrs. Title-page foxed, good otherwise. - Mostly Devonian. Includes biostratigraphy with tables of distribution of fossils.

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Dennler de la Tour, G. (editor), 1957.:
Nature protection throughout the world. Dedicated to the memory of Doctor Hugh Salomon. Issued [...] with the auspices of the International Union for the Protection of Nature, Brussels.

EUR 30,00
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Het optreden der gemeentelieden te Zutphen 1538-1543. Naar de Memorie van Johan vam Voorthuisen.

EUR 7,50
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Hambach, G., 1903.:
Revision of the Blastoidea, with a proposed new classification, and description of new species.

EUR 17,00
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ASHBURNER, Charles A. (1854-1889).:
The geologic distribution of natural gas in the United States. With an appendix relating to the composition and fuel-value of natural gas and the extent of the natural-gas business in the vicinity of Pittsburgh.

EUR 30,00
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