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Soulsby, E.J.L., 1974.:
Helminths, arthropods & protozoa of domesticated animals. (Sixth edition of Münnig's Veterinary helmithology & entomology.)
London: Baillière, Tindall & Cassell, 1974.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 24.7cm. Pp. xxii,824, many figs. on 38 plates, many drawings in 288 figs. in text, refs., append., index. Hardbound, orig. cloth in dust-jacket. Jacket with some traces of use, very good otherwise.

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Sues, H.-D., & Galton, P., 1982.:
The systematic position of Stelopelix valdensis (Reptilia: Ornithischia) from the Wealden of Northwest Germany.

EUR 8,00
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Solem, A., 1956.:
The helicoid cyclophorid mollusks of Mexico.

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Clarke, M.R., & Fitch, J.E., 1979.:
Statoliths of Cenozoic teuthoid cephalopods from North America.

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Loevezijn, G.B.S. van, 1986.:
Stratigraphy and facies of the Nocedo, Fueyo, and Ermita Formations (Upper Devonian to lowermost Carboniferous) in León, N Spain. [Scripta Geol., 81.]

EUR 15,00
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