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SPIER, Fred.:
Religious regimes in Peru. Religion and state development in a long-term perspective and the effects in the Andean village of Zurite.
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1994.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 24cm. Pp. 328, few photos and figs., notes, refs., bibliogr., index. Paperbound, orig. pict. stiff wrappers. With exlibris (Jankarel Gevers), otherwise like new.

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Key, K.H.L., 1985.:
Monograph of the Monistriini and Petasidini (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae). [Austral. Jour. Zool., Suppl. Ser., 107.]

EUR 30,00
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Faunal and floral facies and zonal correlation. (International Geological Congress. Report of the 18th Session, Great Britain 1948. Part X. Proceedings of Section J.)

EUR 10,00
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Barrande, J., 1870.:
Distribution des céphalopodes dans les contrées Siluriennes. Extrait du Syst. Silur. du Centre de la Bohême, Vol. II.

EUR 75,00
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Fedorowski, J., 2004.:
Considerations on most Rugosa and the Dividocorallia from de Groot's (1963) collection.

EUR 30,00
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