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Stockmans, F., & Willière, Y., 1953.:
Végétaux namurians de la Belgique. [Publ. Assoc. Et. Paléont. Strat. Houill., 13.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Folio, 32cm. Vol. 1 (text): pp. xii,382, bibliogr., indices; vol. 2 (atlas): pp. 12,[114], very numerous photos on 57 plates. Modern cloth. Few pencilled notes to text, excellent set otherwise. - Scarce standard monograph on Upper Carboniferous plants. - With presentation inscription: Ä Monsieur & Madame Gothan, Cordial souvenir" with signature by both authers.

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Villages of Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan tribes West of the Mississippi. [Smithson. Inst. Bur. Amer. Ethnol. Bull., 77.]

EUR 30,00
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Hottinger, L., 1962.:
Documents micropaléontologiques sur le Maroc: remarques générales et bibliographie analytique.

EUR 8,00
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Moltoni, E., 1965.:
Osservazioni ornitologiche fatte nel 1964 nella Valle del Torrente Cismon, della Capanna Segentini (ziona Passo di Rolle) [...] (Venezia tridentina) [...].

EUR 10,00
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Kemp, S., Hardy, A.V., & Mackintosh, N.A/. 1929.:
Discovery investigations, objects, quipment & methods. [Discovery Reports, ,1(X).]

EUR 25,00
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EUR 175,00
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