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Thibault, J.Cl., & Rives, Cl., 1975.:
Oiseaux de Tahiti.
Papeete, Tahiti: Les Editions du Pacifique, 1975.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Small 8vo, 17.8cm. Pp. 112, numerous colour photos throughout (partly full-page(, index. Paperbound, pictorial laminated stiff wrappers. Very good.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Moore, E.J., 1992.:
Tertiary marine Pelecypods of Californa and Baja Califiornia: Erycinidae through Carditidae. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 1228-E.]

EUR 15,00
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Duthie, J.F., 1903, repr.:
Flora of the Upper Gangetic Plain, and of adjacent Siwalik and Sub-Himalayan tracts. Vol. I, Part I, Part II. Ranunculaceae to Cornaceae, Caprifoliaceae to Campanulaceae.

EUR 25,00
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Fox, R.C. (et al.), 1995.:
A new osteolepid fish from the Lower Carboniferous Raymond Formation, Drummond Basin, Queensland.

EUR 26,00
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Dedyu, I.I., 1967.:
Amfipody i Mizidy basseinov rek Dnestra i Pruta.

EUR 15,00
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