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THIESEN, L.B. (compiler & editor).:
Veiviser eller Anviisning til Kiøbenhavns, Christianshavns, Forstædernes og Frederiksbergs beboere for Aaret 1834.
Copenhagen: Poppske Bogtrykkerie, 1834.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

12mo, 14cm. Pp. [ii],744. Contemp. half calf, backstrip with gilt lettering and decoration. Endpapers a bit browned, tiny waterstain in lower blank inner corner of just a few leaves at start, very good otherwise.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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MEZZENA, Renato & POLLI, Elio, 1982.:
Gli stagni della provincia di Trieste. Contributo alla conoscenze della flora e vegetazione.

EUR 18,00
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Ellis, B.F., et al., 1968.:
Catalogue of index smaller foraminifera. Volume 1. Cretaceous planktonic and Paleozoic foraminifera.

EUR 95,00
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Sunagawa, I., 1960.:
Growth and etch features of hematite crystals from the Azores Islands, Portugal. [Mem. Serv. Geol. Portugal, N.S., 6.]

EUR 20,00
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Gregoire, Ch., 1962.:
On submicroscopic structure of the nautilus shell. [Bull. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, 38(49).]

EUR 12,50
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EUR 75,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Bestell-Nr.: 9799

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