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Valentine, P.C., 1976.:
Zoogeography of Holocene Ostracoda of Western North America and paleoclimatic implications.[U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 916.]
Washington 1976.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to. Pp. iv,47,[3], 231 microphotos on 14 pls., 18 figs., refs. Orig. wrappers.

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Rehn, J.A.G., 1948.:
The acridoid family Eumastacidae (Orthoptera). A review of our knowledge of its components, features and systematics, with a suggested new classification of its major groups.

EUR 9,00
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Selli, R. (editor), 1970.:
Ricerche geologiche preliminari nel Mar Tirreno. Crociera CST 68 del Laboratorio di Geologia Marina del CNR-Bologna. [Giorn. Geol., Ser. 2, 37(1).]

EUR 35,00
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M.C. Escher. Caleidocycli - kalós (mooi) + eídos (figuur) + kyklos (ring). [Vertaling Auke Leistra.]

EUR 20,00
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Arnold, R., 1909.:
New and characteristic species of fossil mollusks from the oil-bearing Tertiary formations of Southern California.

EUR 7,50
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